When you are in a bind and looking for a quick-cash solution, consider putting up your car as collateral for a loan. This kind of loan is known as a title loan, and it is very easy to qualify. All you need is a vehicle, like a car, motorcycle, truck, or SUV.
If you live in the Memphis, TN, area, American Cash Advance and Title Loan offers title loans to applicants. Consider making an appointment with us today.
A title loan is calculated based on the value of a vehicle that you own. We will provide you with a loan and place a lien on the vehicle title, so you can keep your car while paying the loan back. If you own a car and you’re thinking about a loan, a title loan might work for you. It won’t be long before your loan is finalized. Just follow these simple steps:
Our highly qualified staff will help you understand the process by answering any questions and providing you with a detailed outline of your payment plan. You can be sure that everything follows the state laws regarding loans and that we will always treat you with the respect and hospitality you deserve.
If you’re thinking about getting a title loan, call our Memphis, TN location at 901-309-0779, or 901-384-0771 to ask any questions and schedule your appointment. We’ll make sure your car is properly inspected and provide you with an accurate value.